Envisioning a Bike and Pedestrian Friendlier Alhambra

Envisioning Alhambra 2035

From 10am-2pm on Saturday October 22nd City planning staff and consultants asked members of the public to envision Alhambra in 2035. Held at Almansor Park, the event consisted of several tables with maps highlighting current land-use planning (e.g. zoning overlays) in the community and opportunities to provide input and suggestions.

One of the tables specifically asked residents how the City could be make more bike and pedestrian friendly, offering the public a chance to highlight problem areas and streets they currently frequent by foot or bike.


Suggestions made by attendees included connecting planned bike lanes on Huntington Drive by the Cities of Los Angeles and South Pasadena through Alhambra was suggested by the public, as well as creating a network of safe cross-town routes with clear wayfinding signange that link residential neighborhoods to business districts, schools and parks via streets like Marguerita Lane and Woodward Ave.

Of course, with Alhambra already being one of the most dangerous cities of its size in the entire state of California for pedestrians and bicyclists, the cycling community would like to see steps taken to improve safety in the next few years, not two decades from now!


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